He is risen, He is risen indeed! Hallelujah!

October's Services

Thursday 3rd St Nicholas - 10:30am - Holy Communion

Friday 4th - Harvest Service Festival - St Matthew - 6:30pm

Sunday 6th   St Nicholas - 9:30am - Holy Communion

Trinity 19      St Matthew - 11:00am - Holy Communion

                          St Michael - 11:00am - Morning Prayer

Thursday 10th   St Nicholas -10:30am - Holy Communion

Sunday 13th  St Nicholas - 9:30am - Holy Communion

Trinity 20       St Michael - 11:00am - Holy Communion

Thursday 17th  St Nicholas - 10:30am - Holy Communion

Sunday 20th   St Nicholas - 9:30am - Holy Communion

Trinity 21         St Matthew - 11:00am - Holy Communion

                             St Michael - 11:00am - Holy Communion

Thursday 24th   St Nicholas - 10:30am - Holy Communion

Sunday 27th  St Nicholas - 9:30am - Holy Communion

Last Sunday   St Michael - 11:00am - Holy Communion

of Trinity

Thursday 31st October  St Nicholas - 10:30am - Holy Communion

Safeguarding Contact information.

Benefice Lead: Tommy Taylor; ptommytaylor@aol.com - 07787 515182 - 01772 386188

St Matthew Safeguarding officer: Mrs Elisabeth Agnew; 01253 794 737

St Michael Weeton Safeguarding officer; Mrs Glenys Crossley; 01253 836 303 - crossleydandg@outlook.com

Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor. Mrs Catherine Smith, telephone number : 07711 485170 - catherine.smith@blackburn.anglican.org.

For more information, please see our Safeguarding page.

A prayer for Ukraine

Almighty God, seated above all the affairs of humankind and sovereign over nations and leaders, hear our prayer for Ukraine at this time of war, that lives may be spared, that national boundaries be respected and that forces of aggression be restrained. Grant, Lord God, peace in your world in our time. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen

Thank those who donated clothing there were 5 car loads delivered to Lostock Hall

We would like to request future donations are made via DAC or to International aid directly using their web sites

JAM says Jesus and Me and is our all-age Junior church. During the summer we held sessions of Muddy Church on the village green. We have now returned to normal JAM sessions in church and centre on Sunday at 9.30pm. 

For more details, please contact Cheryl: paul.cheryl@blueyonder.co.uk 07778 734719 or Annie: 07967 822830

For details of Services each month, please use the button below.

The link below will take you to St Nicholas Wrea Green Parish Church Giving Scheme Portal. If you would like to read more about our parish giving scheme then click the menu button above.


"We at St Nicholas Wrea Green seek to demonstrate the same spirit of generosity shown by our Patron Saint. We want to dedicate our time, talents and money to the greater glory of God, for the benefit of those less fortunate than ourselves and for the building of God's Kingdom in this place."   

"God loves a cheerful giver!" (2Corintians 9 v7) Please donate to the work of St Nicholas Wrea Green by using the link below

If you prefer, our QR code is here.


Each edition is available on the last weekend of the previous month.

*We deliver copies over a wide area, including: Wrea Green & Moss Side - - Ballam, Lytham & St Annes - Weeton, Westby & the Plumptons - Kirkham & Wesham - Newton, Clifton & Lea - Bryning, Freckleton & Warton 

  *Copies cost £1 each or £10 for the bargain, annual subscription.

*Contact Jean to arrange to receive magazines ..... cceandjle@talktalk.net

*Send contributions to the editor ..... sandy.rainbow@outlook.com

*To advertise in the magazine please contact Rachel ..... rachel.crawford1@virginmedia.com

For other village information, visit 

Child Friendly Church Award

St Nicholas is proud to be a Child Friendly Church.

The church first received this award at a special Education Sunday service at Blackburn Cathedral on Sunday 31 January 2010.

The award has been renewed since that date.