Welcome from Reverend Phillip Chew
Hello and welcome to the website for Saint Nicholas Church.
Rev Philip is the parish priest who is married to Janice and they have two grown up daughters. Rev Philip came to Wrea Green in November 2019 after 10 years' service as the Area Dean of the Vale of Clwyd in North Wales. Prior to that he was priest in charge of several parishes in Lancashire. St Nicholas church is a broad church encompassing various styles of worship and outreach programs. On this website, you will find information about various groups and contact details. Rev Philip can be contacted on 01772 687644 revpchew@gmail.com
In a recent survey the community was asked if the church was offering worship for all, meeting people's needs and serving as it should by being a true reflection of the love of God which is for everyone. Here are a few of the comments received.
"Saint Nicholas is a very positive church with a very welcoming atmosphere."
"Excellent church for children with a great Sunday school - JAM"
"Saint Nicholas has a 'user friendly' service."
"I've only been attending regularly since February 2018. I was made to feel most welcome by everyone to such an extent that I now feel at ease attending the services."
"The congregation feel like a family, and the support from them is wonderful in times of trouble."
"I've been attending for a couple of years now and have been impressed and grateful for the kindness and inclusiveness of the people at the church, to me that really speaks the message of God's love."
The Blackburn Diocese 2026 Vision's message is 'Healthy Churches Transforming Communities'. St Nicholas Church is endeavouring to do this.
Please pop in and discover for yourself.

With every blessing and good wishes
Reverend Phillip
People involved at St Nicholas Church
VICAR: Rev. Philip Chew, 01772 687 644 or revpchew@gmail.com
VERGER: Mr. Stanley Parkinson 01772 685036
CHURCH WARDEN: Mrs Lynda Lancaster: lmlancaster@btinternet.com
Mrs. Liz Almond: 01772 685572
Mr. Paul Taylor: ptommytaylor@aol.com
Mr. Phil Heighway: philheighway@bh-a.co.uk
SECRETARY: Ms Helen Gregson 07976 307755 or helengregson06@gmail.com
TREASURER: Mrs. Liz Almond: 01772 685572
ST NICHOLAS CHURCH SAFEGUARDING OFFICER: Mr. Paul Taylor: ptommytaylor@aol.com Mobile number: 07787 515182 Home Number: 01772 386188
St Nicholas Benefice Lead for Safeguarding Matters
St Matthew, Ballam: Mrs Elisabeth Agnew, Tel: 01253 794737, email: home@papr.co.uk
St Michael, Weeton: Mrs Glenys Crossley, Tel: 01253 836303, email: crossleydandg@outlook.com.
If you have any Safeguarding concerns, please see the link below to the Diocese of Blackburn Safeguarding Handbook.
RECORDER Mr. Chris Dickson 07968 095639
ORGANIST: Mr. Dan Moore
PARISH MAGAZINE EDITOR: Mrs. Sandy Harris 01772 683827 or sandy.rainbow@outlook.com
PARISH MAGAZINE ADVERTISING: Rachel Crawford - rachel.crawford@virginmedia.com
Ribby with Wrea Endowed C
of E school HEADTEACHER: Mrs. Sarah Robson 01772 685221 www.ribby-with-wrea.lancs.sch.uk
Webmaster: Mr. Liam Batty: batty1867@sky.com
We aim to be;
- UPWARD, praising and worshipping the Lord
- INWARD, growing spiritually in the knowledge and love of Christ and in the fellowship of the Spirit
- OUTWARD, sharing our faith with our community
Our Parish Magazine, includes items from the Church of St Nicholas, St Matthews, Ballam and St Michael, Weeton, which are part of our benefice and also items from our sister RC Church of St Anne at Westby Mills. We aim to serve the whole community, so that it is more than a church magazine. Many of the organisations of our villages contribute to the content, helping us make it both informative and of widely varying interest.
Being a magazine that represents such lively, friendly churches and active communities, we are never short of content but still we welcome contributions from anyone. If you would like to submit something, please contact the editor, Sandy Harris - sandy.rainbow@outlook.com
Copies cost £1 per month but an annual subscription is only £10 for the 12 issues. We can deliver to subscribers over a wide area:- Wrea Green, Ballam, Lytham, St Annes, Westby and the Plumptons, Westby Mills, Weeton, Wesham, Kirkham, Warton, Freckleton, Lea, Clifton and Newton. To arrange a subscription and to have a magazine delivered each month then please contact Jean Ensor 01772 684711
Service Times
Every Thursday 10:30am
Every Sunday 9:30am
Diocese Safeguarding Handbook
St. Nicholas C of E Church
Contact us
Enquiries regarding funerals should be directed to the Vicar; revpchew@gmail.com
All other enquiries should be made to info@stnicholaschurchwreagreen.com