Events and Organisations
See Bishop Jullian's latest video via the link below
Many thanks are due to JAM for explaining the events of Pentecost in excellent dramatic form during our Family Communion service on June 9th. With clear voices and expressive actions they certainly clearly conveyed the unfolding of the arrival of the Holy Spirit - such an important occasion in the history of our faith! The disciples thus literally 'fired up,' after the tongues of fire had rested above their heads, were then enabled to go out and share their faith. As our preacher, Rev Jane Greenhalgh added, "That's why we today can similarly be ' fired up, ' and filled with the same Spirit, be 'ever-ready' to share God's love."

was a special, quiet moment in the service when all the children, even the
littlest, were able to blow bubbles which floated out to gently rest on
the congregation. The blowing wind had frightened the disciples before
the Holy Spirit came to rest on them,
but the bubbles softly symbolised the Holy Spirit floating out to settle
on us - a peaceful blessing made more so, accompanied by Graham's piano and
Martin's flute soothingly playing, "Spirit of the Living God, fall
afresh on me"
So "Thank You" to all participating in the service
So many people work hard for us at St Nicholas,
and even when we don't get the opportunity to say so, we all appreciate everything you do.
Bell ringing
St Nicholas church was rebuilt in 1848-9 and the steeple was added in 1884.
Eight bells known as Ellacombe Chimes were installed there in 1887 at a cost of £100. Ellacombe Chimes were devised by Reverend Henry Thomas Ellacombe of Gloucestershire to obviate the need for multiple "unruly" bell ringers as one person can ring all 8 bells. The first Ellacombe Chimes were installed at Bitton in 1822. The system consists of a wooden frame through which the bell ropes pass from above and ringer pulls the ropes towards themselves while standing in front of the frame or apparatus. The bells themselves are static with hammers that strike inside the rim of each bell. The sound is not as full as conventional bells which over time led to their decline in popularity. Also, the range of tunes is limited by having only one octave with no sharps or flats, but only needing 1 person at a time to ring is favourable feature. Wrea Green has a team of 6 ringers, who ring the bells before the 9.30 Sunday service on a rota basis.
For further information about bell ringing, please contact Tommy Taylor; 01772 386188 or 07787 515182.

Girl's Friendly Society
The GFS is a Society of the Anglican Church, founded by Mrs. Mary Townsend in 1875.
GFS is currently seeing a new leader. If this sounds like you please contact Sharon Lindley or Ann Andrews 01772 685427.
During this time, children from poor families left school between the ages of 11 and 14 and went to work in industry or in service at the wealthy houses. They were at risk, lonely and in need of help. Mary Townsend invited children from the workhouse into her home and encouraged them to sing hymns, learn needlework and knitting and how to pray to God.
Mary Townsend worked tirelessly seeing the needs of these children and the Girls' Friendly Society and Townsend Fellowship began. The organisation spread rapidly in this country and overseas.

The Mission Statement
G.F.S. seeks to enable girls to develop their potential spiritually, socially and personally. The Motto of the Society is: "Bear ye one another's' burdens".
The G.F.S. Prayer is:
O God our Father
We beseech thee to bless us.
And all who belong to the
Girls' Friendly Society & Townsend Fellowship.
Help us to bear one another's' burdens.
And to live not for ourselves, but for others
As members of one family in
Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Bible Study Home Groups
Several home groups meet regularly for bible study, discussion, and prayer. More details from Carole Williams 01772 68529 / Frank Andrews 01772 685427

JAM says Jesus and Me! and is our junior church which meets each Sunday at 9.30 in church moving into the upper room for the centre for bible related fun, action, and craft. Come and join us (any age) or contact Cheryl 07778 734719 or Annie 07967 822830.
Our LCF group meets on the second Wednesday of each month in the Centre at 7.30pm, in January and February at 2pm. We have worship, prayer, and an interesting speaker. We welcome anyone to our meetings, of all faiths and none. Please contact Margaret Ingham 01772 685568
Reverend Phillip celebrated his first years anniversary on 3rd November 2020. We wanted to mark this but because of the current Lockdown we couldn't in the way that we wanted. Originally, we were going to play this to him in Church this coming Sunday but we had to drop a memory stick off with him instead.
Thanks to all that contributed to the video below.
Stations of the Resurrection
"The Stations of the Resurrection". This has been produced by St Laurence's Church, Chorley, and can be found on their YouTube Channel. For each station a different member of the clergy from all over the Diocese read a reading from the gospels and then gave a reflection on it, followed by a prayer. There are 2 or 3 hymns and the whole thing is illustrated by an amazing modern artist from Leeds, Si Smith

St Nicholas has run regular Messy Church sessions previously
and now runs occasional Messy Extravaganzas.

Cursillo: Anglican Cursillo is a movement of the church providing a method by which Christians are empowered to grow through prayer, study and action and are enabled to share God‟s love with everyone.
Cursillo people, 'Bloom where they are planted,' which is to say they work to assist all that the priest wants to happen in the parish and they actively seek to share ' good news' wherever they happen to be.
For further information contact Parish Rep, Sandy Harris -
Here is the link to the video of the service at Wrea Green Remembrance Wood (2020)
St Nicholas Church has an active social committee who meet regularly to organise both fundraising and non-profit making events. Annual events include a Strawberry tea, BBQ and Village concert which brings together many of the village organisations.

The social committee also supports some church services such as Christingle, Carol Service and Harvest with refreshments and showing a warm welcome to those who perhaps only come to church for these special church days.
They provide refreshments at concerts by the St Nicholas Singers and each year they run an event purely to raise money for charity.
The social committee feel that they play an important
part in making St Nicholas Church open to the many new families and members of
the village in a welcoming manner.
Men's Breakfast

We meet every quarter always at 8.15am on a Saturday in private homes. We enjoy continental style breakfast followed by topical discussion. We complete by 9.30am. Further details from Frank Andrews 01772 685427
Nicholas Bear Club

Nicholas Bear club meets fortnightly on Tuesday afternoons 2.30 to 3.30. We enjoy a story, action songs, craft, and refreshments. Everyone is welcome, especially pre-schoolers and whoever is looking after them. Contact Cheryl 07778 734719 or Ros 07967 996071
St Nicholas Rambling Group
St Nicholas Rambling Group organises monthly walks in the nearby countryside of
the South Lakes, the Lancashire Fells and West Yorkshire.
This is an opportunity for regular Church goers to invite friends, neighbours and family to enjoy time together.
Everyone is welcome to come along - including well-behaved canines.
To receive details of future rambles people can register with Greg, but that isn't essential.
Contact 01253 794206 or mobile 07514 006805
The St Nicholas Singers

We are a group of approximately 30 members, who meet together weekly for practice, fun and fellowship. Rehearsals take place in Church on Thursday evenings at 7.30pm, in term time. We lead some special services in Church during the year, and some of us sing in the choir stalls to support Sunday Worship. We are very fortunate to have Dr Kevin Morgan, FRCO, as our leader and musical Director.

New members are very welcome. Please ask in Church, or ring Ros Cockrill on 01772 672799.
Wednesday Get Together.

The Wednesday Get Together is an informal group who meet up fortnightly on a Wednesday afternoon from 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. (dates are posted in the Church Porch) for an afternoon of friendship, chat, craft and a cup of tea.
For more information contact Jan Cookson 01772682189